Saturday, 18 April 2015

PDF⋙ For Richer or Poorer (Western Vows) (Volume 2) by Kari Trumbo

For Richer or Poorer (Western Vows) (Volume 2) by Kari Trumbo

For Richer or Poorer (Western Vows) (Volume 2)

For Richer or Poorer (Western Vows) (Volume 2) by Kari Trumbo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Elizabeth Whitte finds herself on the frigid border of Minnesota and Canada as winter sets in. When her plans for finding a husband and rushing back to Kansas fall through, she has to stay and learn a few how to care for others. 

Robert is a Mountie in Fort Frances, Canada. When he meets Elizabeth, his first instinct is to send her home. He's been burned by women like her in the past and knows his life isn't suited for them. Elizabeth's pull is strong, but he cannot leave his beloved Canada. 

As Elizabeth matures in many ways, Robert must decide if sending her back to Kansas is still his best option. Could she learn to love him, and his beautiful home? 

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