Thug Hazing at the City Barbershop: Ebony Gangbanger and Alpha Male Worship Initiation (City Barbershop of Indianapolis) by Calvin Freeman
Thug Hazing at the City Barbershop: Ebony Gangbanger and Alpha Male Worship Initiation (City Barbershop of Indianapolis) by Calvin Freeman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Chris is excited to learn that having sex with him is fast becoming the best way for a thug to prove he's not a cop! That's because the local police department aren't allowed to have sex on the downlow. So Chris is in for the ride of his lifetime, as his lilting twink body is about to become the final arbiter of who gets to be a real thug, playa and gangbanger in the urban underworld of Indianapolis, Indiana!From reader reviews:
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