Monday 28 March 2016

PDF⋙ Contented Poachers Epicurean Odyssey: Tales and Recipes from an Epicure in the Wilderness by Elantu Veovode

Contented Poachers Epicurean Odyssey: Tales and Recipes from an Epicure in the Wilderness by Elantu Veovode

Contented Poachers Epicurean Odyssey: Tales and Recipes from an Epicure in the Wilderness

Contented Poachers Epicurean Odyssey: Tales and Recipes from an Epicure in the Wilderness by Elantu Veovode PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Throughout history, the poacher has been pigeonholed as scoundrel, thief, and criminal. But there exists another breed of poacher: one who proudly hunts without a gun, using art and guile alone.Wily woodswoman Elantu B. Veovode has spent a lifetime observing animals and cleverly coaxing them onto her plate. She shares her secrets in THE CONTENTED POACHER, the collected tales of her successful (and not so successful) close encounters with the wild side. With wit and wisdom, she'¬?ll show you how to nab a turkey using a fishnet, tap into woodchuck psychology, avoid meeting a bear on a mountain path, and catch catfish with cornmeal cakes, as well as other fine points of the chase.While chronicling her quest for cheap and savory vittles, Elantu also shares 60 original recipes for the true do-it-yourself gourmet, including her Lemon Roadrunner with Almonds, Porcupine in Pomegranate Sauce, and Rattlesnake Potpie with Prickly Pear Apples. Other recipes feature venison, buffalo, prairie dog, armadillo, field mouse, and grasshopper (along with store-bought substitutions for squeamish city dwellers).A rare catch for hunting buffs, armchair survivalists, and curious culinarians, THE CONTENTED POACHER will satisfy your taste for all creatures great and small.

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