Monday 14 March 2016

PDF⋙ A Squirrel's Story: A True Tale by Jana Bommersbach

A Squirrel's Story: A True Tale by Jana Bommersbach

A Squirrel's Story: A True Tale

A Squirrel's Story: A True Tale by Jana Bommersbach PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Shirlee Squirrel needs a safe nest for her babies, far from the clutches of a menacing black cat! When she moves into a birdhouse designed to house wood ducks, she and her babies create “home sweet home” in a North Dakota backyard. Raising her children under the watchful eye of the nice man and woman―Rudy and Willie―whose yard they inhabit, Shirlee teaches young Sammy and Sally everything gray tree squirrels need to know. Retold by award-winning Arizona journalist Jana Bommersbach, Shirlee’s true story speaks the universal language of love. Additionally, the book’s accompanying curriculum and activity guides make it perfect for both home and classroom use, providing an entertaining, enriching learning experience.

Winner of the Children's Picture Book Softcover Non-Fiction category at the 2013 USA Best Book Awards. Honorable Mentions at the 2013 Beach, New York, Animals Animals and Great Midwest Book Festivals!

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