Thursday 10 March 2016

PDF⋙ Extinct & Almost Extinct: Paintings & Notes by Mark W. McGinnis

Extinct & Almost Extinct: Paintings & Notes by Mark W. McGinnis

Extinct & Almost Extinct: Paintings & Notes

Extinct & Almost Extinct: Paintings & Notes by Mark W. McGinnis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Artist's Statement This book contains 36 paintings with accompanying notes on each species. It deals with species that are extinct, nearly extinct, and some that have been saved from extinction. This project, like many of my projects in the past, was a search for understanding. After hearing fragments of information in the media regarding the escalation of the extinction of species, I decided that I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the crisis and share what I found in visual and written form. My hope is to draw attention to the beauty of a very small portion of what has been lost and of what we are losing.

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